What Next After
Studying ESG?

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The study of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors has become increasingly important in today’s business and investment landscape. ESG criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. The environmental criteria consider how a company performs as a steward of nature. Social criteria examine how it manages relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities where it operates. Governance deals with a company’s leadership, executive pay, audits, internal controls, and shareholder rights. But what comes next after studying ESG? Here are several pathways and opportunities that you can pursue:

Corporate Sustainability Roles

Many companies are now prioritising sustainability and ESG compliance as core parts of their business strategy. After studying ESG, you can pursue roles such as Sustainability Analyst, ESG Manager, or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Officer. These positions involve developing and implementing strategies to improve a company’s environmental and social impact while ensuring strong governance practices.

Investment and Financial Services

The integration of ESG factors into investment processes is rapidly growing. This shift has created demand for professionals who can analyse ESG data and incorporate it into investment decisions. Roles such as ESG Analyst, Responsible Investment Analyst, or Sustainable Finance Specialist are becoming crucial within asset management firms, banks, and other financial institutions.


ESG consulting is another promising field. Consultants help companies understand their ESG performance, identify risks and opportunities, and develop strategies to enhance their sustainability profile. Working for a consulting firm or starting your own consultancy focused on ESG can be a rewarding career path.

Regulatory and Compliance Roles

With increasing regulations surrounding ESG disclosures and reporting, there is a growing need for professionals who understand these requirements and can ensure compliance. Positions in regulatory bodies, compliance departments of corporations, or specialised compliance consulting firms are viable options.

Nonprofit and Advocacy Work

Nonprofit organisations and advocacy groups are at the forefront of pushing for stronger ESG standards and practices. Working for such organisations allows you to contribute to meaningful change and influence corporate behavior from an external standpoint. Roles might include policy analyst, campaign manager, or program director.

people in yellow jacket and black backpack
woman in blue sleeveless dress standing beside woman in blue crew neck t-shirt
grayscale photography of two people raising their hands
a person using a laptop

Research and Academia

For those inclined towards academia, pursuing advanced studies and research in ESG can lead to a career in teaching or academic research. This path can also involve working with think tanks or research institutions that focus on sustainability and corporate governance issues.


The rise of ESG has also spurred innovation and entrepreneurship. You might find opportunities in creating new products or services that address ESG challenges, such as sustainable technologies, ethical supply chain solutions, or platforms that enhance ESG data transparency and reporting.

Internal ESG Teams

Many large corporations are forming dedicated ESG teams to drive their sustainability agenda. These teams are responsible for setting ESG goals, monitoring progress, and reporting to stakeholders. Joining such a team within a corporation can be a dynamic and impactful career move.

Policy and Government

Governments and international organisations are increasingly focused on sustainability and ESG issues. Careers in public policy, working for government agencies, or international bodies like the United Nations can be avenues to influence ESG-related policies and initiatives at a macro level.

Studying ESG opens up a wide array of career opportunities across various sectors. Whether you are passionate about direct corporate action, investment, consulting, research, advocacy, or policy-making, the skills and knowledge gained from studying ESG are highly valuable. The growing emphasis on sustainability and responsible business practices ensures that expertise in ESG will continue to be in high demand, offering a fulfilling and impactful career path.