UNIMY ARC Goes Kayaking!

When you think of a fun outdoor activity, kayaking is usually not the first to come to mind. UNIMY ARC however loves to think out of the box to find fun ways for students to de-stress and stay healthy. On 28th February, that's exactly what they decided to do! 20 participants including students and staff took some time to have fun in the outdoors by kayaking.
Kayaking is not a new endeavour for ARC. However, this is the first time the team decided to kayak at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa! Before they got into the water, the participants were given a briefing about the right technique to kayak and safety measures they needed to have in place. As with all outings done by ARC, beginners were paired up with more experienced members.

Once the briefing was done, the participants couldn't wait to get out onto the lake! It was an incredibly exciting experience for them, especially with the landmark of Tasik Titiwangsa, the fountain in the center of the lake. Participants attempted to race to the fountain, but the highlight of the outing was the fountain itself! Upon reaching the center of the lake, students were showered by the fountain, providing for a full experience out on Tasik Titiwangsa.
With the addition of staff in the group of participants, students also got a chance to bond with their lecturers outside of the classroom, while spending the evening de-stressing.

It was an exciting experience, especially for newcomers with no kayaking experience. If you are someone who loves the outdoors, or someone who wants to love the outdoors, ARC is the place for you! Check out their Instagram now to find out what they might be planning next!
(Psst, they might be organising a camping trip soon!)