Tax Talk 101
by BAC Law Society
BAC Law Society Invites Lawyers from
RDS Partnership to Share about Tax Law

Law students of BAC have the option to pursue different fields of law in their studies such as criminal law, tort law or IP law. To expand the horizons of the students, the BAC Law Society invited lawyers from RDS Partnership to share on a topic that is not often talked about in the students' syllabus: tax law!
On 26th July 2024, two partners and an associate from RDS Partnership: Mr. Saravana Kumar, Ms. Amira Azhar and Ms. Al Amirat were invited to share their experiences in this sector.
After a speech from the organising chairperson, Natalie Lim, the event kicked off with an introduction to tax law by Ms. Amira, where she talked about the ins and outs of tax law and what RDS Partnership does. Her session was informative and enlightening for the students, giving them an idea of what the field of tax law is like.

The next part of the session was a case study by Mr. Saravana. He shared about a case he worked on in the past: Wiramuda (M) Sdn Bhd v Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri. Mr. Saravana explained that there were laws in place which discouraged people from taking a case like this one, but his firm took it on, and when they won the case, it set a precedent for many other cases like this one.
Once Mr. Saravana had finished sharing about the case, the event continued on to a panel discussion with Mr. Saravana, Ms. Amira and Ms. Al Amirat. Some of the questions asked were about the work-life balance of a tax lawyer, their actions on government policies regarding tax exemptions and their experiences with seizing assets from tax evaders.

The event was a beneficial one, opening students' eyes and sparking their interest in a new area of law that they can pursue. If students are interested in getting a deeper view into the life of a tax lawyer, they will get their chance on 8 August when BAC Law Society visits the offices of RDS Partnership! Stay tuned for more news about that visit at BAC Law Society's Instagram!