Pathways to Insight:
A Seminar on Critical Thinking
BAC Buddhist Club is visited by
Acharya Tenpa Gyaltsen

The BAC Buddhist Club is a relatively new club on campus. This club aims to spread awareness about Buddhist culture. Malaysia has a multicultural background, where its people can experience different cultures, including the Buddhist culture.
Most recently, the BAC Buddhist Club was visited by a Tibetan Lama! Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyatsen studied in the USA and has become one of the main teachers at Nitharta Institute. He is a professor of Buddhist studies and Tibetan language at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, and teaches regularly at Nalandabodhi centers around the world.

The subject of Lama Tenpa's talk with the students was "Pathways to Insight: A Seminar on Critical Thinking." Lama Tenpa started his speech by asking the students their assumptions and questions on critical thinking. From there, he connected it with Buddhist philosophy and explained how those who practice Buddhism can apply critical thinking into their lives.
Every now and then, Lama Tenpa stopped to answer questions from the participants. One of the main topics that came up in the Q&A was the concept of karma and how intent applies into it. It was an interesting discussion with many insights shared by the Lama.

It was an insightful and educational event which delivered wisdom to the younger generation and inspired them to live out the art of critical thinking in their lives as Buddhists.
If you're interested in joining the Buddhist Club, you can visit their Instagram or click the button below to join!