MBA in Corporate Law (ODL)
Veritas University College

Strategic Marketing Management
This module covers issues of internal and external environment analysis and associates them with the notion of competitive advantage. Strategy is defined at three levels: corporate, business and functional, but it is thoroughly discussed at the business and functional levels only. The roles and responsibilities of managers involved in the decision-making process are also highlighted. You will also earn a microcredential from University of California, Davis via Coursera for Campus.
Managerial Finance
This module introduces you to the importance of financial management in business operations. You will understand the effects of environmental changes on the financial performance of a firm. You will also earn a microcredential from University of California, Davis via Coursera for Campus.
Strategic Human Resource Management
This module seeks to enhance your understanding of the concepts, roles, functions and the practices of human resources in organisations. It focuses on the human resource environment and challenges faced by organisations, managing work flows and job analysis, legal aspects of HR, human resource planning and recruitment, selection and testing processes, training and development, managing organizational renewal, appraising and improving performances, managing compensation and incentives, occupational safety and health at workplaces and employee relations. You will also earn a microcredential from University of Michigan via Coursera for Campus.
Managerial Economics
This module seeks to enhance your understanding of micro and macroeconomics which affect a business and decision-making by managers. Discussions will focus on the basic models of a firm, criticisms of the models and alternatives. You will also examine production theory and estimations, productions with one variable, two variables and an optimal combination of inputs. Cost theory and market structure with perfect competition, monopoly, and monopolistic competitions are also covered. You will also earn a microcredential from University of California, Irivine via Coursera for Campus.
Business Intelligence
This module examines Business Intelligence (BI) as a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analysing, sharing and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better managerial decisions. You will learn the principles and best practices on how to use data in order to support fact-based decision making. You will also earn a microcredential from INSEAD via Coursera for Campus.
Mergers and Acquisitions in Practice
This practice-based LLM subject examines good operating practices and considers key issues when planning and executing M&A transactions. Topics include planning acquisitions in Malaysia, origins and opportunities for M&A practice in Malaysia, advanced due diligence issues, and laws, regulation and governance in Malaysian M&A practice.
Commercial Contracts in Practice
This module focuses on developing your knowledge and skills on drafting effective, readable, non-ambiguous commercial contracts. It advances on the key knowledge and skills required by all lawyers when negotiating and drafting commercial contracts.
Business Research Methods
This module furnishes the requisite knowledge, skills and tools to address the requirement for information under conditions of uncertainty. It introduces you to research methods that can be used in most business research, and other research related to the social phenomenon. The areas that will be covered include introduction to the scientific method, research process, ethics in research, research design, measurement, sampling, data collection, analysis, interpretation and report writing. You will also earn a microcredential from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and The University of Edinburgh via Coursera for Campus.
Strategic Management
The changing environment, greater competition and advances in ICT have led firms to recognise the importance of developing intelligence and strategic insights about market and consumers. This module is designed to enhance your understanding of how to analyse, formulate, implement and manage marketing strategies and policies at the tactical and strategic management levels. You will also earn a microcredential from MacQuarie University via Coursera for Campus.
Intellectual Property in Practice
This module covers the intellectual property frameworks in the Malaysian context. You will learn to critically analyse issues in copyright practices in Malaysia, and advise the client on advanced issues in trade mark and industrial designs practice in Malaysia.
Corporate Law
The aim of this module is to provide knowledge and understanding of the legal framework governing certain business organisations, with particular focus on registered companies. You will cover relevant corporate governance and the relationship between company law and corporate governance.
MBA Corporate Law Research Project
This module explores various aspects relevant to solving problems at the work place, which includes identification of specific research problems in business, documentation of findings in the form of a written project paper, and production of a suitable business report using the appropriate techniques.