LLB (Hons),
University of London

Year 1
Legal System and Method
This core module introduces you to the operations of the English legal system, including classifications of law, the court structure, and the sources of law. You'll develop knowledge and understanding in this area, providing an understanding of why the English legal system is what it is today. You will be introduced to the techniques of interpreting statutes and legal cases and learn how to use legal sources to substantiate legal arguments.
Public Law
This module focuses on the core features of the UK constitution, the institutions of government, their powers and functions. You'll be introduced to key constitutional principles, and the legal and political issues related to the operation of the British Constitution. You will critically analyse the doctrines and institutions of the constitution, the checks and balances within the institutions of the state and constitutional change over time.
Criminal Law
This core module covers the general principles of criminal liability, a range of fatal and non-fatal offences against the person and selected offences against property. It also looks at attempts to commit offences, secondary liability and defences. You will develop the ability to explain and analyse criminal law and will be able to apply its principles to the facts of given scenarios.
Contract Law
This core module introduces you to the principles of contract in common law and equity, and helps you understand how these principles are applied to agreements. It covers core topics such as formation of contracts, capacity to contract and privity, performance and breach of contract and remedies for breach of contract.
MPU Subjects
Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisation
This module will provide you a true understanding of the concept of ethical appreciation, especially in complying with the National Principles (Rukun Negara), government policies, unity efforts and national development. You will also be enlightened on Malaysian history before and after its independence, and efforts undertaken in building the nation's civilisation.
Malay Communication 2
This module will help you communicate effectively in a formal/informal setting, building your confidence as you hone your interaction skills in the national language.
National Language A
This module will help you grasp the national language to effectively communicate, and express thoughts clearly and creatively through verbal and written communication.
Philosophy and Current Issues
This module covers the relation between philosophy, the National education Philosophy and the National Principles of Malaysia (Rukun Negara).
Year 2
Tort Law
This core module introduces you to the organising principles of tort law, such as damage, fault, and vicarious liability. You will explore the cause of action in a negligence claim, with particular emphasis on the duty of care concept. You will understand the principles of liability governing pure economic loss, psychiatric harm, and liability of public authorities.
Property Law
This core module centres on the law governing ‘real’ property, also known as land law. You will learn about various interests that can exist in land, the principles governing the creation, transfer and extinction of these interests and the extent to which those interests are enforceable against third parties.
Family Law
This elective module covers matters arising from the breakdown of family relationships, including divorce, dissolution of a civil partnership, financial relief remedies, child maintenance, children, domestic abuse, and cohabitees.
Commercial Law
This module explores the application of legal principles to particular commercial transactions and the practical issues involved. Commercial law is concerned with obligations between parties to commercial transactions and the relationship with rules of personal property. You will learn about a range of issues including ownership of or title to goods; transfers of title and its effect on third parties; passing of property between buyer and seller.
European Union Law
This module covers the creation of the European Union and its larger role in integrating the different systems that are available in Europe. You will learn how the different types of systems within Europe are integrated to ensure uniformity/harmonization of laws and policies.
MPU Subjects
Ethics in Communication
This module covers the moral principles and values that guide communication practices, ensuring honesty, transparency, and respect in all interactions. It also addresses the responsibility of communicators to consider the impact of their messages on individuals and society as a whole.
New Venture Creation
This module teaches you how to expand your skill set and explore opportunities outside of traditional legal practice. It will provide practical tools and strategies for identifying, evaluating, and launching new business ventures in the legal industry.
Community Service
Community Service focuses on the development of your communication, critical thinking and problem-solving skills through community service and cooperative learning. This will include the values of social responsibility, leadership and teamwork. The primary emphasis is on community service and/or co-curricular activities that may require going beyond the university environment.
Year 3
Company Law
This elective module centres on the way the law regulates companies. It introduces you to the facilities that company law offers, such as limited liability and transferability of shares, as well as corresponding burdens such as duties of disclosure and compliance with statutory procedures.
Jurisprudence and Legal Theory
This core module delves into jurisprudence - a branch of Legal Philosophy. It introduces you to the reasoning behind laws that have been passed, and the different schools of thought in the interpretation of laws. This subject investigates the history and development of law from a philosophical point of view.
Equity & Trusts
This module deals with the rules and principles governing the creation and operation of trusts - a particular method of holding property that developed historically primarily to preserve family wealth, particularly by minimising liability to taxation. You will gain a solid understanding of the fundamental principles of the modern law of trusts.
Law of Evidence
This elective module is highly relevant to daily legal practice. The law of evidence governs what evidence may be presented and contested in the courtroom, techniques for eliciting evidence and the role of the lawyers, jury, and judge in an adversarial system.
Conflict of Laws
Also known as private international law, this module introduces you to the body of rules applied by the English courts to cases with a foreign element, dealing with core issues of jurisdiction, substantive decision making and recognition of the laws of other jurisdictions.
Intellectual Property
This module covers an area of law that deals with the protection of creative materials/ideas, etc. You will learn about issues such as trademark, copyrights, etc. and discuss possible legal disputes that may arise in light of breach of creative content/materials.
This module offers an in-depth exploration of crime, criminal behavior, and societal responses. Examine key criminological theories, the causes of crime, and the effectiveness of various criminal justice strategies. Through case studies and real-world examples, you'll gain a critical understanding of how crime impacts individuals and communities, equipping you with insights relevant to law, policy, and justice.