Law Society's Consti Month

As we celebrate the formation of our country, BAC Law Society aims to educate the rest of the campus on the governing systems of Malaysia. To do so this year, they held their 2nd annual Consti Month, a flagship event for BAC Law Society. Last year, they organised events such as a parliamentary simulation and a talk with members of parliament. To further educate the students on Malaysia’s governing bodies this year, they organised three events: a cabinet talk, parliamentary visit and a court visit.

The Cabinet Talk, held on 7th September 2023, delved into the crucial nature of separation of power and how important good governance is in our country. This talk was given by Mr. Pushpan Murugiah, the acting CEO of the C4 Center (Center to Combat Corruption and Cronyism), an organisation formed to combat and raise awareness about corruption in our country. Mr. Murugiah also spoke about Malaysia’s executive branch and helped broaden students’ views on their future career paths in law.

The next event that the Law Society held as part of their Consti Month was a visit to Parliament on 11th September 2023. Here, students had a chance to visit the Dewan Rakyat and even sit in on a parliamentary debate! It was an eye opening experience for the students, watching firsthand how lawmakers pass legislations in Malaysia. After sitting in on the debate, students were then able to meet Petaling Jaya MP, Lee Chean Chung. He gave a short talk about parliament and how it functions, and he then opened the floor to questions. Students asked him about careers as a politician, clarifications about new boards being created by the government and even enquired about development opportunities in Petaling Jaya.

Sparing no time at all, the Law Society organised a visit to the Palace of Justice in Putrajaya the very next day. Students first entered a court of appeal, where they were given an informative talk on the judiciary system. Students had many questions, the talk even sparking curiosity in some students about the career path of a judge! They were then taken to the Federal Court, where the talk about Malaysia's judiciary system continued. Students were also given the chance to see the lockup in the courtrooms. They then visited the court's library, which is open to the public, as well as the court museum, detailing the entire history of Malaysia's judiciary system.

All in all, this year's Consti Month was a fruitful one, sparking interests and career paths for many students as they broadened their worldview of what they can do with a law degree. It also gave them a much firmer understanding on Malaysia's governing bodies. If this is of interest to you, join BAC Law Society today, and stay tuned for their next event!