Launching of the Raymond Chew Tribute Memorial Wall

by Ardiyante binti Ayadali
On 13th April 2022, IACT College welcomed the family of the late Mr. Raymond Chew, former Chairman of the college, from 2009 to 2011, to the launching of the Mr. Raymond Chew Tribute Memorial Wall at IACT Library, on Level 17.
Ms. Chew Sue-Ann and her husband, Mr. James Ling, together with their three children and Mrs. Christina Chew, were greeted by some familiar faces who had the privilege of knowing Mr. Raymond Chew when IACT was still based in Jaya One.
Present at the event were Mr. Raja Singham (Founder and Managing Director, Brickfields Asia College), Mr. Nadar Thiagendran (Chief Operating Officer, Veritas University College), Mr. Arul Sothy (Head of Corporate & Finance), Mr. Lawrence Chan (Chief Marketing Officer); and from IACT College were Ms. Kavitha V. Arumugom (Chief Executive Officer) and Mr. Timothy Chan (Head of Academics), amongst others.
The idea of this Wall was first suggested by the Chew family, who also contributes to funding a scholarship for the education of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). This scholarship is very much in line with BAC’s involvement in providing quality education; and in building a better future stateless children.
The highlight of the day was the unveiling of the Tribute Memorial Wall, where Mr. Raja Singham, Ms. Sue-Ann and Mrs. Christina Chew were called to the front for the ribbon-cutting. With the curtain unveiled, the wall displayed a specially designed sticker with Mr. Raymond Chew’s image and his favourite quote on it. This event did well in honouring him, and his contributions to the college.
The BAC Education Group hopes that this Wall will allow the late Mr. Raymond Chew to be remembered, not just by those who knew him, but by future students and staff of the college as well.