Japanese Culture Club's
Matsuri Day

Matsuri - Festivals celebrated in Japan to thank Gods or seasonal festivals (cherry blossom festival, snow festival or parades to celebrate history).
Every year, the Japanese Culture Club hosts Matsuri Day, a festive event celebrating the life of their club and the culture that has been shared with the students. This year, the Japanese Culture Club opened some interesting booths in BACPAC, ready for students to experience the different aspects of Japanese culture!

Yukata Booth
As students entered BACPAC, they were greeted with the lively atmosphere of Japanese music playing in the air. As they were welcomed in, the first booth seen was a yukata rental booth! Students had the opportunity to try on a traditional Japanese yukata which is a summer kimono traditionally worn for events like this one. Students truly enjoyed experiencing the feeling of wearing traditional Japanese clothing, and many opted to take pictures in these gorgeous outfits!

Games Booth by Gamers Guild
The next booth to catch their eyes was the games booth, in collaboration with the Gamer's Guild. To the joy of the students, the Gamer's Guild set up three stations with popular Japanese fighting games like Street Fighter! Students flocked to this booth to challenge their friends in a round of games, reliving the feeling of being in an arcade as a kid.

Sticker and Keychain Booth
The next booth was a sticker and keychain booth, where students could find anime stickers and keychains of their choice, including original ones designed by the Japanese Culture Club themselves! Many fans of anime were enamoured with this booth, choosing to purchase some souvenirs to bring home with them!

Snacks and Drinks Booth
After students spent time exploring each booth, they could proceed to the food booth to enjoy some traditional Japanese snacks and rest for a bit. Served by the Japanese Culture Club was some mouth-watering onigiri (Japanese rice balls), jelly balls and mochi dango (Japanese rice cakes). They also quenched the students' thirst with some green tea. Seeing as it was close to lunch time, this ended up being a popular booth!

Japanese Play
The highlight of the event was the Japanese play that happened at 1pm, titled "Kintaro: The Golden Boy." This play was the Japanese Culture Club's modern take on a traditional Japanese play about a boy named Kintaro who was overwhelmingly strong, but kind enough to make friends with all the animals in the forest.

This event was definitely an interesting one, showcasing Japanese culture and celebrating the Japanese Culture Club! If you're interested in Japanese culture and want to be a part of this club, you can click the button below or visit their Instagram to learn more about what they do.