Guild Tabletalk
by Gamer's Guild

The Gamer's Guild loves to share their passion for games with the student body of BAC Education. Be it digital or board games, their passion truly shines in what they do. Thus, they decided to host their very own Guild Tabletalk!

The Guild Tabletalk was a chance for them to showcase the games in their collection, some well-known and others new to everyone. These games were laid out for students to come in and take a break from their studies, de-stress and have some fun.

Some of the well-known games featured during the event were What Do You Meme, Exploding Kittens, Coup, The Malaysian Dream and Dixit Quest. These games are commonly featured in board game cafes for casual players who don't want a long and intense game. Students who were familiar with the board games flocked to the tables, ready to play and enjoy themselves.

Some of the other less familiar games at the event were Stellar Voyage, HR: The Toxic Workplace Game, Inveigle and Taco Trucko. All of these games were produced by students and staff of IACT! The masterminds of these games manned the tables, ready to explain the rules to anyone who showed up to play. It was wonderful to watch the students showcase their pride and share their creations with the participants.

The highlight of the event was the Dungeons & Dragons sessions, lasting an hour each, run by members of the Gamer's Guild! The sessions were interesting and engaging, involving a lot of yelling and failed rolls, resulting in some hilarious situations for the groups to adapt to!

This session was successful in its attempt to allow students to de-stress from their studies and have some fun! If you missed it though, don't worry! The games can be found in the IACT library on the 17th floor. If you ever want to take a break from the stress of your studies, you're welcome to visit the library, pick out a board game and play!

If you're interested in taking it a step further and joining the Gamer's Guild, you can do so by clicking the button below or visiting their Instagram.

See you at their next event!