Exploring the Intersection of Digital Society, Innovation, and CSR in PR at 2024 WPRD Conference

Embracing the Digital Age in Public Relations

The World Public Relations Day conference continued its series of enlightening sessions at Menara BAC in Malaysia, with a focus on the transformative impact of digital media on public relations.

Session 2, led by Dr. Jasmine Begum, Regional Director of Corporate, External & Legal Affairs at Microsoft ASEAN, delved into the intricate relationship between a digital society, innovation, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the PR realm.

Dr. Jasmine Begum's presentation commenced with an exploration of the evolving digital landscape, highlighting the decline of traditional media and the meteoric rise of digital media. She emphasised the shift in how information is consumed and disseminated, emphasising that digital platforms have become the primary source of news and content for the global audience.

This transition has brought about significant changes in the way organisations approach PR and CSR.

"The influence of social media cannot be overstated,"
Dr. Jasmine Begum, Regional Director of Corporate, External & Legal Affairs at Microsoft ASEAN

She elaborated on the role of influencers in the current media environment, describing them as powerful advocates for brands, organisations, and social causes. The influencer market, she noted, is experiencing exponential growth, with projections indicating that its market volume will reach $102 million by 2028. Influencers, with their vast and engaged followings, have become pivotal in shaping public opinion and driving brand narratives.

Not only that, but she drew major emphasis on the intersectionality of influencer marketing and PR, emphasizsing the direct-to-audience communication that influencers facilitate. Unlike traditional media channels, influencers provide a more personal and relatable connection with their audience, enhancing the authenticity and impact of their messages.

Misinformation. That was the big word used in this session. A pressing issue in today's digital age, was another key topic of Dr. Begum's presentation. She warned of its detrimental effects on public trust and the reputation of organisations. "Trust is the currency of PR," she asserted.

"In an era where misinformation is rampant, maintaining and building trust with your audience is more critical than ever."
Dr. Jasmine Begum, Regional Director of Corporate, External & Legal Affairs at Microsoft ASEAN

Dr. Begum's session underscored the need for PR professionals to adapt to the digital era by leveraging the power of social media and influencers while remaining vigilant against the threats posed by misinformation. Her years of experience provided attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the digital PR landscape.

As the World Public Relations Day conference proceeded, the valuable knowledge shared in Session 2 equipped participants with the tools to navigate the complexities of digital media and its impact on PR and CSR. The discussions set the stage for further exploration of innovative strategies in the subsequent sessions, promising a day rich with forward-thinking ideas and practical solutions for the PR industry.