Empowering Afghan Women
Through Entrepreneurship

Launch of the First Module: Entrepreneurship Fundamentals

Another transformative journey has begun as UPLIFT and Veritas University College begin a series of Entrepreneurship Management Modules for women from the Afghan community. This initiative, aimed at empowering these women with essential business skills, is a collaborative effort that promises to bring significant positive change to the community.

The first module in this series which focused on the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, was conducted by Mr. Raymond Markus, the esteemed Head, School of Business, Communication and Law (Veritas University College).

With his vast experience and insightful knowledge, Mr. Raymond captivated the participants, introducing them to the core principles of starting and running a successful business.

His engaging teaching style and practical approach ensured that the women not only understood the concepts but also felt inspired to take the first steps toward their entrepreneurial dreams.

Coordinated Efforts for a Successful Workshop

The organisation and smooth execution of the workshop was made possible by the dedicated efforts of UPLIFT members, Ms. Rosita, a Project Lead and Lecturer at Veritas University College, and Ms. Sumita of BAC, who worked tirelessly to coordinate the event.

Their collaboration with the Afghan Community Mobiliser was instrumental in tailoring the programme to meet the unique needs of the Afghan women, ensuring a supportive and culturally sensitive learning environment.

Their efforts only further elevated the quality of the workshop for these Afghan women. Their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn were palpable, setting a positive tone for the rest of the series.

Over the next few weeks, they will delve into critical areas of business management, covering Financial Literacy, Marketing and Selling, and Digital Marketing. Each module is designed to equip them with practical skills that can be immediately applied, paving the way for economic independence and self-sufficiency.

Upcoming Modules: Building Comprehensive Business Skills

Financial Literacy
The upcoming module on Financial Literacy will provide the women with crucial knowledge about managing finances, budgeting, and understanding financial statements. This foundational skill set is essential for any entrepreneur, ensuring that they can make informed decisions and maintain the financial health of their businesses.

Marketing and Selling
Following that, the Marketing and Selling module will introduce them to effective strategies for promoting their products and services, understanding customer needs, and building a strong market presence. With these skills, the participants will be better prepared to reach their target audiences and achieve their sales goals.

Digital Marketing
The final module on Digital Marketing will open new horizons for the women, teaching them how to leverage online platforms to expand their businesses. In an increasingly digital world, these skills are indispensable, offering opportunities to connect with a broader customer base and compete in the global marketplace.

Just a Start

This first module is just a start and its success sets a promising precedent for the rest of the series. It is one that we definitely are looking forward to seeing through and are excited to share the journey with all of you.

So, stay tuned for more!