Diploma in
Robotics & Automation
University Malaysia of Computer
Science & Engineering (UNIMY)
Course Modules

Year 1
Application Mathematics 1
This module covers topic related to matrices and basic calculus. It provides methods to solve a system of linear equations, limits and continuity of a function, differentiation and its applications, integration, and its applications.
Basic Computing
This introductory module nurtures understanding via hands-on learning on how information technology can be used to increase productivity. A variety of popular and commonly used software packages are used during the practical work, including document preparation, spreadsheets, databases, graphics, electronic mail, and groupware software. You will also be taught the proper usage of common computer hardware.
C++ Programming
This module contains introduction topics to programming using the language C/C++. It includes an introduction to computers and programming as well as the basics of programming, problem solving and software development. Data types and operators, selections, repetitions, functions, arrays, files, structured data, and pointers are among the topics to be studied in this module.
Analog Electronic Devices
This module introduces some of the basic electronic devices like diodes and different types of transistors. It begins with theory of semiconductor physics with explanations for PN junction, charge flow and diode equation. Covered devices are Zener diodes, FET and BJT and operating regions. Amplifier basics are introduced: biasing, gain, input and output resistances, analysis, and design. At the end of the module, students will also be familiar with the applications of operational amplifiers.
Principle Of Electrical Circuit
This module presents students with the basic laws, theorems, and methods of DC circuit analysis such as Ohms law, Kirchhoff Current and Voltage Laws, Thevenin and Norton theorems, among others. Students are expected to apply these laws or theorems in solving the given DC electric circuits. The relevant concepts in transient circuit analysis are introduced and explained. Circuits with series and parallel capacitor, inductor are also discussed.
Application Mathematics 2
This module will cover topics on differential calculus, integral calculus, partial differentiation, linear algebra and their methods and applications.
Database Management System
This module explores the fundamental concepts necessary for the design, use and implementation of database and document management systems. Emphasis is placed on the relational database model of design and development of database applications, and focus will be given on practical skills.
Object Oriented Using Java
This module is designed to enable students to identify solutions to computational problems using object-oriented concept, capture reusable patterns of design and write programs using object oriented programming languages. It focuses on in-depth coverage of high-level abstraction of objects, Abstract Data Types, Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts and programming methodology.
Effective Communication - Workplace and Persuasive Presentation
This module focuses on basic communication skills and techniques at the workplace, and persuasive presentation. This module outlines different paradigms for communication, explores interpersonal communication and its applications in the workplace, discusses the impact of conflict in communication and how to resolve it, provides strategies for persuasion and negotiation in communication, and provides key guidelines for giving and receiving feedback. Students are assessed through a series of activities, including role-plays, oral presentations, and written reports and examinations.
Digital Electronics
This is an introductory module on logic circuits and digital systems. It covers design and implementation of combinational logic circuits, synchronous sequential circuits, information storage circuits, binary codes, binary arithmetic, and typical computer operations on binary data.
Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement
Students will be introduced to the concepts and principles of measurement systems, including components of measurement systems, the actual systems used for measurement, the devices used for testing, displaying and analysing the related signals as well as the sensors and technologies used for acquiring the data.
Pengajian Malaysia II
This module discusses Malaysia's history, its constitution, government and administrative system, electoral process, society, culture and religion, socioeconomic growth, national development, and future challenges in the age of globalisation.
Cognitive Process and Problem Solving
This module will allow students to explore issues of knowledge and critical issues related to education. Students will also be introduced to various heuristic frameworks, and apply appropriate strategies for learning, thinking and problem-solving.
Design Thinking
This module elaborates the specific interpretations and meanings of the concept in different fields including engineering, management, and information technology. The different fields analysed in this module range from information management, engineering, innovation, and entrepreneurship to management, showing how broadly Design Thinking can be applied.
Year 2
Probability & Statistics
This module covers the basic knowledge of statistics introducing both the descriptive and inferential statistics. It includes topics on probability, discrete and continuous distribution, estimation, hypothesis testing and correlation and regression.
This module will provide a foundation to prepare students to become cyberpreneurs, who will start-up and run technology- based SMEs. Comprising two parts: firstly, focusing on product development (be it a new product or innovation of existing products) and secondly, on commercialising the product (the nature, process and running of creating a new venture). Students will be exposed to introduction to electronic principles commerce, the internet and the web infrastructure for e-commerce, web-based tools for e-commerce and e-commerce software, e- commerce application, security, electronic payment system, and current trends in use of e-commerce.
Python Programming
This module introduces programming and problem-solving using Python. It emphasises on basic principles, constructs, and tools for Python. Topics include types, conditional statements, iteration, functions, data structures, files, standard libraries, numpy and regular expressions. Weekly labs provide guided practice on the specific topic using computer and software.
Robotic Technology
This module introduces students to the main aspects of the key technologies in the design of robotic systems, automated work cells and computer integrated manufacturing systems, work cell support systems, robot and system integration, as well as safety design in robot applications. It also covers concepts of modern robotic, IoT and smart applications.
Smart Automation Technology
This module introduces the basic principles of automated manufacturing, which include the history, applications of robots and automated systems including their configuration, operation, components, and controls. Upon completion, students should be able to understand the basic concepts of automation and robotic systems, smart automation in manufacturing technology and Industrial Revolution 4.0 concept of smart automation.
Automatic Control
When employed in automated industrial process controls or in automated power station, one will be required to know the basics of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), their working and their programming. PLCs are widely used in all industries for efficient control operations. Looking at the industrial applications of PLCs in the modern industry, this subject finds its usefulness in the present curriculum.
Sensors & Actuators (Embedded/Microcontroller Application)
This module will give students an understanding of measurements as an important subsystem in any major system, whether it may be a mechanical system or an electronic system.
Robotic System & Peripheral
Robotic Systems are programmable multifunctional mechanical devices designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions to perform a variety of tasks. An industrial robot system includes not only industrial robots but also any devices and/or sensors required for the robot to perform its tasks as well as sequencing or monitoring communication interfaces. This module includes safety considerations necessary to operate a robot properly.
Electrical Machine (AC-DC Current for Motor)
This module covers the principles of AC and DC motors, motor control, and general machine operations in a complex mechatronic system. Students will learn the functions and properties of machine control elements and the roles they play within the system. By understanding and performing measurements on motors and motor control circuits, students will learn and apply troubleshooting strategies to identify, localize and correct malfunctions. Safety issues within the system will also be discussed.
Micro Controller Programming – Arduino & R-Pi
This module extends students’ knowledge of microprocessors by investigating embedded system design and state-of-the-art 32-bit embedded processors. Students will be familiarised with problems associated with producing hardware and software.
Final Year Project
This module represents a capstone design experience which involves design and development of a media project. A written report, demonstration and an oral presentation are required.
Issues in Malaysian Economy
This module discusses the history and development of the Malaysian economy, socio-economic issues, the key-economic sectors of Malaysia - agricultural, industrial, government and foreign, as well as the population and employment in Malaysia.
This module discusses the concept of community involvement projects, preparation of proposal papers and the characteristics of an effective project. The purpose of this module is to provide understanding and appreciation in implementing community involvement projects. At the end of this module, students are expected to practice values and ethics, leadership, and teamwork as well as social responsibility.
Engineering Drawing (Auto Cad/Solid Works)
This module introduces technical drawing as an essential means for communicating ideas in industry and engineering. It will expose students to basic electrical and electronic design and drawing, commonly used in Robotic systems.
Year 3
Industrial Training
This training will place students in the industry for 12 weeks. They will be exposed to industry experience according to the suitability of their respective fields of specialisation, providing them an opportunity to practice the knowledge and experience gained from classroom teaching. Students are also required to develop industrial projects according to the requirements of the organisation.