BAC's Clubs & Societies Day

It's that time of the year again when the Clubs and Societies of BAC Education stepped out to share what they're all about: the Clubs and Societies Day! This year, a whopping 23 clubs set up their booths at the ground floor, showcasing their cultures, activities and engaging with the students. This year, we hoped to give the students more time to explore and get to know each club, so the event did not just last for one day, but two!
With the number of new students beginning their studies this intake, October was a good time for them to learn about the 'Play' aspect of BAC Education, which would allow them to have a much more diverse experience in their college life.

Each club had their own activity and draw for students to come and visit; whether it was item sales, fun activities or promotion of their events, they all managed to draw students in, giving them a chance to take a break from the stress of studies and learning new things.
Some of the clubs featured were the BAC Christian Fellowship who showcased the events they've organised, the BAC Performing Arts Club who had a wheel for students to spin and pick activities from (as well as some performances!), the Model UN Club who gave students a chance to debate on current issues and the Japanese Culture Club who gave students a Japanese language quiz.

Here's what some of the students had to say about the event:
"It was exciting to see the passion and energy radiating from all students that day. We also had curious attendees who saw our Dungeons and Dragons and a console deck setup and immediately knew that this was the place for them. Many new friendships were made, and this reflects the main goals of Gamer's Guild - to connect and celebrate the power of community," said Chong Too Feon, an IACT student and committee member of Gamer's Guild.
"This year’s Clubs & Societies Day was a blast and we had amazing interaction at our booth! When they were asking for information, they also expressed to us their interest in the competition we organised. Overall, the club felt seen and we can’t wait to create more impact in the future. Thanks again to BAC Education for having us for this interesting event!" said Charlotte Goh from the Mooting Society.

"The reception for our booth was great! Over the course of both days, the crowd was bustling, especially on the 8th due to the brownies we gave out (sponsored by Mr. Kumar!) and the fact that the the management, as well as Mr Raja Singham (Managing Director and Chief future Officer of BAC Education) was there. All of these things really helped us to bring in new recruits to the Skills Club!" said Harinni, the president of the club.
"Thanks to our extroverted members we were able to get some people coming over to our booth. Once we had the momentum with people showing their enthusiam and cheering their friends on, people just came rushing in! I guess they were pulled in, seeing all the others do our bicep curl challenge, and the atmosphere didn't allow them to just walk by without stopping," said Elijah from the Gym Club.
Ultimately, with all the students that visited the event, it was an outstanding success, owing to the students' ability to showcase their clubs well. It led to an interesting event with many new faces taking an interest in clubs that they otherwise may not have encountered.

Lakhen Bahadur is the president of Amnesty BAC, but because he spent time exploring other booths, he came across the Gamer's Guild booth and learned something new! Here's what he had to say about it:
"The tabletop game was certainly an enjoyable experience, but I had the best time playing games on their console. They didn't need to ask of me to become a member, I was willing to join after being captivated by how enthusiastic the members are on various genres of games, their vast knowledge and a strong passion for games and for their club!"

If you missed out on this event, don't worry! You can still explore what each club has to offer by joining one via BAC Engage or following BAC Engage on Instagram for the latest updates! Stay tuned, as there's much more to come...