BAC Model UN Club's AGM

Have you heard of Model UN (MUN) before? Recently, some students came together to bring the art of Model UN to BAC! If you didn't know, Model UN is a simulation of the general assembly of the United Nations and adjacent bodies, where students perform an ambassador role while debating topics on gender equality, climate action, global health and many more. MUN is also meant to engage students, and allow them to develop a deeper understanding of current world issues and world politics.
The BAC MUN Club's debut on campus was their AGM. This AGM was not just meant to introduce the founding committee to the student body, but to introduce the concept of Model UN to them too. They kicked off the AGM with an interesting icebreaker, meant for students and potential members to get to know each other. It was great to see both returning and new faces eager to join this new club!

After the icebreaker, the club president, Dhiveena came forward to introduce the committee and introduce the concept of Model UN. She shared about the purpose of it and its focus, and what references are needed in a Model UN session. Other than that, she shared the exciting initiatives the club has planned for the year!
To engage the students after Dhiveena's sharing, the committee held a Kahoot quiz, testing the students on everything Dhiveena had mentioned, from the Model UN concepts to their memory of the committee. It was an interesting and engaging quiz which definitely succeeded in keeping participants on their toes!

The highlight of the event was an interesting mock debate on the topic "Is Online Learning Better than Traditional Classroom Learning?" Members were split into government and opposition teams, passionately discussing their viewpoints and showcasing their ideas. The point of this debate was to give the audience a preview of the skills they can cultivate in Model UN and to allow everyone to participate actively.
It was an engaging and successful event that set the stage for an exciting year ahead in the BAC Model UN Club. If you're someone who's passionate about Model UN and would like to join, you can click the button below or Visit their Instagram!