BAC Leo Club Participates in Art4Good Charity Exhibition
'We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.'

The words of Winston Churchill, 'We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give', resonated deeply with BAC's Leo Club members, and they then dedicated their time and effort to the Art4Good Charity Art Exhibition.
Held from the 6th to 10th of September, the event showcased a beautiful array of approximately 80 paintings under the theme 'Let Our Children Dream' - featuring whimsical and poignant expressions of children as the centre point.
Leo Club's Cause
The Art4Good Charity Art Exhibition was organised by the Society for the Severely Mentally Handicapped (SSMH) and the Free Food Society (FFS), and was held at Bangsar Shopping Centre. While providing a platform for artists like Yeow Tek Chau, Oon Soon Keat and Tan Sri Rafidah Azis, one of Malaysia's former Minister of Trade and Industry, to feature their water colour and oil paintings, this art exhibition also served as a platform to raise funds, where 20% of the proceeds went to the artists themselves, while 80% channeled to both SSMH and FFS.
Leo Club's Involvement
Embracing the opportunity with open arms and ready hearts, members of BAC's Leo Club took the initiative to volunteer on site.
Actively participating in the fundraising process while also diving headfirst into the emotionally and visually captivating world of artwork artwork, this experience proved to be more than just a charitable endeavour but also an excellent pursuit of personal growth and fulfilment.
Leo Club's Impact
While directly impacting the financial efforts for honourable causes, members of the club also found themselves gaining a newfound appreciation for the power that art has to convey.
The theme's message struck the hearts of the Leo Club members. They found it to be a profound experience that wonderfully highlighted the importance of nurturing the dreams and aspirations of every child, especially those who are facing perilous circumstances and disabilities.
Leo Club's involvement in this cause represented brilliantly their essence to make life by what they gave. Giving their all, their voluntary efforts for the charity exhibition not only progressed the goal of raising funds but also highlighted the importance of community.
Interested in being a part of events and causes like this? Then join Leo Club and be a part of the change for your community - Join Now!