BAC CF's Welcoming Fellowship

With the start of the September intake, students began coming to campus in droves, many of them experiencing college life for the very first time. To ease their transition into a new stage of life, the BAC Christian Fellowship organised a Welcoming Fellowship!
Walking into the classroom, the first thing in sight were several booths set up to promote previous club activities, showcase the members' way of life and to promote an event that BAC CF would be taking part in: Intervarsity Christian Week. Before the event started, the students were able to mingle and get to know one another while visiting these booths.

The event started off with a time of songs and continued on with an icebreaking game. This game got students out of their seats to find their common likes and dislikes in the room. The game gave these new students a chance to get to know other people in the campus besides the ones that they see daily in their classes.
Once the students had a chance to get to know each other, the session continued with a talk from guest speaker Yip Li Qi, who is a law graduate from the University of Leeds. He shared his experience as a Christian student and how students can live a purposeful life in college and university. He also shared about Jesus and how reading the bible would benefit the Christian students.

After the talk, the committee members of the BAC CF put on a skit which was written during their CF camp. This skit was their modern reimagining of the beginning of the Bible, and a way for them to promote the new series they would be embarking on in their weekly sessions: the book of Genesis! It was an entertaining and enjoyable skit, bringing out laughter from the audience.
To end the night, the emcees invited up some special guests from Taylors CF and Monash CF to share with the new students about Intervarsity Christian Week, an event that would happen a week from the welcoming fellowship.
It was definitely an enjoyable event for the students, bringing them together. Some of them even went for dinner together after the event!

If you are interested in the BAC CF or just wish to learn more about the Bible, you're more than welcome to drop by one of BAC CF's weekly sessions on Mondays at 5:30pm at Level 1 Liverpool, or you can join them via BAC Engage or their Instagram!