BAC Career Club Visits Low & Partners

BAC Career Club recently embarked on a series called "A Peek into my Future Workplace." This series, was specifically designed for students who has not had exposure to the working world and is afraid of the unknown, whatever comes next once they graduate. With this series, students will be given a chance to look at possible workplaces and learn more about them. Each workplace video will be split into two parts: a tour of the office, and an interview with an executive of the company.
On 16 March 2023, BAC Career Club visited their 2nd law firm in this series: Low & Partners. When the club members arrived, they were greeted by Dato' Andy Low, the managing partner of the company. Dato' Andy took them around, showing them different areas of the office.
The defining feature of this office was the emphasis on play and fun aspects, without compromising the work aspect, laying a balanced working environment. Because the office was built in the layout of a home, it gives off a very homely vibe as well, adding to the balanced working environment.

The main office has three stories. The first has several meeting rooms, along with a pantry and bar area. There was also a meeting table that doubled as a pool table and a ping-pong table! The next floor was filled with offices and cubicles on the inside, but on the outside, there was a mini putting green, where one could release some stress.
Past the putting green was a slide. The slide is used by members of the company who go through a turning point, such as finishing their pupilage and joining the company as an associate, or being promoted to partner. The next level was an event space, used for talks, company dinners and press releases, with a sky garden on the outside.

Connected to the main office is a sister company office called Abdul, Low & Partners, which deals mostly in Syariah Law. The sister office was also built in a house, adding to the homely vibe. They also had a cigar bar for staff members in need of a break.
Once the tour was over, the students followed Dato' Andy to his office, where he answered a few questions from the students, ranging from the difference between a large law firm and a boutique law firm, to his reasoning for starting his own law firm. Dato' Andy shared some wise words of inspiration and ways to apply to Low & Partners.

This was an informative and educational session for the team that went. They noted that Low & Partners was more homely and fun-loving than expected, and they gained some exposure to more varied work environments.
Stay tuned for the release of A Peek Into My Future Workplace Episode 2, and if you're interested to know more about BAC Career Club, visit their Instagram now!