BAC Answers the Call to Donate Blood Once Again

Blood donation drives are no stranger to BAC Education. In fact, the National Blood Bank pays a visit to BAC once every few months. Most recently, BAC partnered with the National Blood Bank on 14th March 2023 for another blood donation drive.
At the time of the blood drive, the National Blood Bank had made a call for A- type blood for patients in need. The rarity of this blood type meant that the appeal for this blood type was even higher this time around.

From 10:00am, staff and students of BAC Education, and other workers in VSQ made their way to BAC Performing Arts Centre (BACPAC) on Level 3A, where the National Blood Bank had set up their equipment.
Throughout the day, the cots were full and there were people waiting to donate. As the day came to an end, there were so many eligible donors that the National Blood Bank ended up running out of blood bags!

Although not everyone was eligible to donate, your willingness to do so already holds a special meaning. You might think that your contribution would be insignificant, but one bag of blood can save up to three lives, and that would be because of your sacrifice.
The National Blood Bank is always in need of blood supply. Visit the National Blood Bank's Facebook page now to find out where they will be setting up next, or visit one of their static donation centres.
Remember, you can save a life today!