ABACUS Goes Digital

In March 2020 as the pandemic forced education institutions the world over to rethink how services would be provided to students, the BAC Education Group was determined to do whatever it takes to ensure that your education would not be disrupted in any way.
One such initiative was the launch of ABACUS Digital – where you now have 24/7 access to an extensive collection of e-books, journals, videos, and other great resources on campus or from the comfort of your home.
The all-new ABACUS Digital Library has a powerful search engine that helps you to discover the wealth of information that is available in its repository of resources, including journals, articles & e-books.
The ABACUS comprehensive digital library consists of materials from the best digital sources and partners:
1. ProQuest
ProQuest has a growing content collection that now encompasses 90,000 authoritative sources. It includes the world’s largest collection of dissertations and theses; global, national, regional and specialty newspapers; e-books; aggregated collections of world’s most important scholarly journals and periodicals; and unique digitized historical collections from great libraries and museums. ProQuest provides subscription for digital books.
- ProQuest eBook Central – Taylor Francis, Oxford, Sweet & Maxwell, Cambridge, Routledge & Pearson digital books
- ProQuest Business Premium Collection
- ProQuest Computer Science Database
- ProQuest Education Collection
- ProQuest Psychology Database
2. Emerald Insight
A market leader in social science and interdisciplinary research, offering a range of formats that focus on applied research, aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
- Emerald Business, Management and Strategy e-Journal Collection
- Emerald Accounting, Finance and Economics e-Journal Collection
- Emerald Marketing e-Journal Collection
- Emerald Tourism and Hospitality e-Journal Collection
- Emerald Management e-Journal Collection
- Emerald Education e-Journal Collection
3. CLJ Law
CLJ Law provides online legal database service for subscribers. Their databases include current Malaysian cases, articles, practice notes, legislative forms, precedents, sample agreements and legislations.
4. Westlaw Asia
Westlaw Asia is a portal that provides access to multiple products across various countries with a single search. An ideal tool for comparative law research, and a significant time saver, Westlaw also integrates with Westlaw Next for access to content from Australia, Canada and the US.
5. Westlaw Classic
Westlaw Classic (previously known as Westlaw Next) provides access to a variety of legal information, including federal and state case law, the United States Code Annotated, the Code of Federal Regulations, the Federal Register, state statutes and administrative codes, and more.
6. Mendeley
Mendeley Desktop is a free desktop reference management application. It helps you simplify your reference management workflow so you can focus on achieving your goals. With Mendeley Desktop you can: store, organize and search all your references from just one library.
7. LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning is an online educational platform that helps you discover and develop business, technology-related, and creative skills through expert-led course videos.
With access to over 16,000 courses in 7 languages, LinkedIn Learning provides the most relevant and current learning opportunities across business, creative or technology topics.
8. Lexis Advance Malaysia
Lexis Advance is an innovative online research platform that allows today’s legal professionals to access trusted research. Lexis Advance includes Malaysia’s largest and most current case citatory, Casemate Case Citator, a complete legislation solution, unreported judgments and Malaysian law journal reports.
9. Vital Source e-Books Platform – Pearson & Cengage Digital books
VitalSource is one of the leading providers of digital course materials in higher education which houses our extensive collection of Pearson & Cengage Digital books.
10. Open Access Sources
We have catalogued some of the leading open-source access databases at your fingertips:
11. Journals Open Access:
- The DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
- Oxford Academic Journals
- MDPI Open Access Journals – Social, Science, Arts & Humanities
- Institute of Advanced Leg;al Studies
12. Digital books Open Access
- PNM Overdrive
- PPAS Overdrive
- OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)
- DOAB (directory of open access books)
13. BAC Physical Library (KOHA)
The BAC Library is a well-stocked physical library which provides access to an extensive collection of reference materials, law books, statutes, and regulations. It is managed using a library management system that allows you to search, track and book the titles that you wish to borrow online. Help is available during working hours, either in person, via telephone or by email (library@bac.edu.my).