10 Reasons to Study Law at BAC

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1. Widest Range of Law Programmes

As the Nation’s #1 Law School, you will have a variety of options to choose from at each level of study, each curated to fulfill your specific needs .  

You can start with the Foundation in Law programme, where you will build a solid foundation in core areas such as Contract and Tort.

You can choose to complete your qualifying law degree with the University of London (UOL) or the UK Transfer programme. UOL gives you the chance to complete your degree locally but also gain a world-class qualification. Alternatively, our UK Transfer programme offers you the opportunity to spend a year or two in the UK or Australia, studying at one of our 15 prestigious partner universities.

Upon completion of your degree, you can choose to join a range of professional or postgraduate programmes at BAC - the Certificate in Legal Practice, masterclasses and certification courses in specific areas of law or our LLM, MBA in Corporate Law or Masters in Corporate Law & Governance offered by Veritas University College.

2. World-Class UK Qualifications 

In the past three decades, we have produced over 15,000 global law graduates with UK qualifications and 648 1st Class LLB (Hons) graduates over the past 10 years.

Our partnerships with world-class universities in the UK and Australia will open doors to an educational experience of a lifetime.

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3. Earn Micro Credentials from the World’s Best Universities

We are the first institutions in Malaysia to partner with Coursera, a leading global online learning platform, to offer full-scale blended learning and improve student employability. Through Coursera for Campus, students and faculty will gain free access to more than 4,600 job-relevant courses.

So, imagine your CV but with certificates from the world's best universities like Yale University, Macquarie University, John Hopkins University, Duke University and top-notch companies like IBM and Google, amongst others. Wouldn’t that make you stand out from the rest? 

We are also the first and only education group in Malaysia to partner with LinkedIn Learning, offering LinkedIn Learning for all current students for free.

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4. Outstanding Law Faculty

With the largest law faculty in the country, our students learn from the best local, global and professional lecturers and tutors.

The Global Law Faculty: This initiative allows you to learn from our UK faculty, consisting leading academicians, examiners and subject matter experts.

The Professional Law Faulty: This initiative gives you an extraordinary opportunity to learn from and interact with eminent lawyers, and to gain new perspectives on important legal issues.

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5. Proven Track Record

Over the past three decades, we have cemented our position as the Nation’s No. 1 Law School by not only producing more than 15,000 global law graduates but also successfully and consistently achieving world-class results along the way.

Since 2010, our students have secured numerous Top in the World Cambridge Outstanding Learner Awards for Law and Business Studies at the Cambridge A-Level examinations. We have also produced 6481st Class LLB (Hons) graduates over the past 10 years.

Our students have received every Tun Hamid Omar Foundation Award for Best Overall CLP Student in Malaysia since 2012, 88% of all Book Prizes awarded since 2012 and 100% of all the Top Student Awards in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023.

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6. Widest Range of Law-based Publications

Abacus Digital is fully-equipped with a vast selection of physical books and manuals, e-journals, e-books and video lessons, along with other digital resources that you may need throughout your educational journey with us.

Our Collections
Our law collection includes statutes and case law from the United Kingdom and Malaysia. It also has the widest range of textbooks, journals and even workbooks to help you understand the intricacies of the law.

Our digital collection includes:

  • CLJ Law
  • Westlaw
  • LexisNexis
  • ProQuest Journal & ProQuest eBook Central
  • Pearson
  • LinkedIn Learning
  • Open Access Journals
  • Open Access eBooks

Additional Library Services

Abacus Digital also assist you with using specific legal databases. Seminars on finding legal materials and using databases are delivered to all law students during orientation.

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7. Learn Different 

Learn Different is the ultimate next gen holistic education experience designed to prepare you for the challenges of tomorrow. The 4 pillars (Learn, Play, Work, and Impact) have been curated to help you become the best version of yourselves and own your future.

The Learn pillar revolutionises the academic and learning aspects of your student experience, helping you build awesome competencies.

Our Play pillar gives you countless ways to get involved and curate a vibrant student experience of your own. With over 30 clubs and societies to choose from, health & fitness classes to join, a vast array of volunteering opportunities to discover, and numerous events to attend, you will never run out of things to do whilst building awesome character.

The Work pillar empowers you with a range of career-related skills to help you transition into the working world whilst facilitating direct access to top Malaysian employers and multinational companies. Our internship and apprentice programmes, along with our job portals are designed to help you build awesome careers.

Under the Impact pillar, we strive to make a positive difference to the lives and futures of the communities around us by creating socially responsible and sustainable initiatives that create real impact. You will become a catalyst for change and make a difference by building awesome communities.

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8. Industry Links & Partnerships 

Over the years, BAC has fostered close working relationships with professional bodies, an impressive range of employers, from leading local and multi-national companies, to local government and NGOs.

Among our most valuable partnerships are those with some of the most prestigious legal firms and associations in the region. These collaborations are more than just formal agreements, they are gateways that will help shape your career, and open doors to exciting opportunities.

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9. Legal Apprenticeship Programme 

Upon graduation, you can apply for Project Apprentice through the BAC Apprenticeship Programme. This six month programme provides every apprentice practical career skills in areas like Personal Branding, Project Management, Digital Marketing, and Social Media Marketing. Training will be coupled with hands-on exposure to special real-world projects in a work environment.

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10. Widest Range of Law-based Student Clubs & Societies

We understand the importance of developing key skills and competencies, from leadership and creative decision-making to communication and collaborative skills.

As a student, you will have countless ways to get involved and curate a vibrant student experience of your own.

With over 30 clubs and societies to choose from, health & fitness classes to join, a vast array of volunteering opportunities to discover, and numerous events to attend, you will never run out of things to do whilst honing your potential for a career in the legal industry.

As law student, you will also have access to several law-based clubs and societies:

  • Mooting Club
  • Debate Club
  • Law Society
  • Chinese Debate Club
  • Amnesty BAC
  • Asian Law Students’ Association (ALSA)
  • Women’s Legal Rights Club
  • BAC Model United Nations (MUN) Club
  • BAC Law Review Club
  • and more...

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